Of course, this statement must be viewed with limitations, as the amount of content and the type of posts (advice or short news) can affect how much is posted. Nevertheless, the frequency of publications seems to indicate that the focus is increasingly on binding the target group to the magazine and, in the process, regularly delivering relevant content. Don't miss any more posts: THE newsletter in online marketing Do you like this blog post? If you want to regularly keep up with the latest trends in online marketing, then subscribe to our newsletter now. Over 18,000 subscribers trust us.
Click here for the registration form. turn-on.de There are new posts several times a day on Special Data Saturn's turn-on.de . More influencers? Also interesting: Influencers are a fixture in company magazines, with at least 2/3 of the magazines we examined including them. The advantages are obvious: influencers enhance content through expert knowledge, creative ideas or personality. the reputation of the target group. spielzeug.de On toys.de , one of MyToys' two magazines, the content is created exclusively by parent bloggers. More personality? Influencers bring personality, but the authors remain in the shadows? Another, albeit unsurprising, discovery of our study is that the authors of around 35 percent of the magazines do not appear by name.

However, the question here is: Will it stay that way? The authors already appear with their first names in 32 percent of the magazines examined, and even with their first and last names in 16 percent. With “only” the first name, entire author biographies can also be accessed. otto.de/reblog Author biography of “ Jana ” on otto.de/reblog . The future of corporate magazines Our study uses the 30 online shops with the highest sales to show how company magazines are currently operated in Germany and which content dominates. A look at the past shows that this can only be a snapshot. The majority of digital company magazines were only founded in 2014 - the digital company magazine medium is still growing and is constantly developing.