AGl from the public management position of deputy general antifraud inspector of the General AntiFraud Tax Directorate within the structure of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration No. of May Prime Minister Decision for the release of Mr. IulianBogdan Gheorghe from the position of deputy general antifraud inspector at the Bucharest Regional AntiFraud Fiscal Directorate General AntiFiscal Fraud Directorate within the National Agency for Fiscal Administration No. of May Prime Minister Decision for the appointment of Mr. LeonardCtlin Munteanu as deputy general antifraud inspector at the Bucharest Regional Fiscal AntiFraud Directorate.
General Fiscal AntiFraud Directorate within the National Fiscal Administration Country Email List Agency No. of May Prime Minister Decision for the appointment of Mr. TeodorAlexandru Georgescu as antifraud deputy general inspector at the general fiscal antifraud directorate within the National Agency for Fiscal Administration No. of May Prime Minister Decision for the appointment of Mr. AlexandruGheorghe Condoiu to the public management position of deputy general antifraud inspector of the General AntiFraud Directorate within the structure of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration No. of May Prime Minister Decision regarding the exercise on a temporary basis by secondment by Mrs. Vali Mirela Mihalacu of the vacant public position in the category of senior civil servants of deputy general secretary of the Ministry of Tourism No. of of the exercise on a temporary basis by secondment by Mr. tefni.
Munteanu of the temporarily vacant public office in the category of senior civil servants of deputy general secretary of the Ministry of Tourism No. of May Prime Minister Decision regarding the appointment of Mr. TiborIoan Pentek to the position of State Counselor within the Prime Ministers own working apparatus No. of May Prime Minister Decision regarding the appointment of Mr. tefni Munteanu as an adviser to the prime ministers office within the prime ministers own working apparatus No. of May Leave a reply Your email address will not be published. Mandatory fields are marked with Comment Name No. of May Leave a.